Thursday, November 6, 2008

I've been tagged....

I have been tagged! My blogger friend, Ruthie tagged me and I'm supposed to list seven weird things about myself and then tag 7 other blogger friends. Here's what you need to do if you've been tagged. Copy the award off my blog; list seven weird things about yourself; and then pass the award on to seven other bloggers! Okay, ready to get a little weird with me? :)

1. I am psychotic (as my husband puts it) about my blankets at night. They have to be neat and just right. I cannot sleep if they are all bunched up. Drives me nuts.

2. I like peanut butter with syrup on my waffles (Thank you Mimi!). It's delish.

3. I will within hours of being someplace, pick up the accent. I am very suseptible(sp?) to dialects.

4. I must sit in the same seat every week when I am attending a class. I also like to sit in the same pew every week at church.

5. I cannot stand to be in a large crowd of people. I get very claustrophobic and start to panic. It made working an in ampitheater very interesting at times.

6. I am one of those weird people that will stop to help a hurt or lost animal, but won't if it's a person because I'm too scared that they will abduct me.

7. And the weirdest thing about me....I have no belly button due to my birth defect (a post for another time perhaps)

I am tagging....
And whoever else would like to join in
And my friend sent me this in an email and I just had to share cause it's hysterical...

The First Kiss It's your First Kiss and several questions might come to mind: Is it the right time? Is anyone watching? Does your partner even want to? Is your breath fresh? AND,---Should you use some tongue? Then you think . .. 'What the heck ............. Go for it!!!'
This must be a 2nd or 3rd child... because Mom grabbed the camera and not the kid!


Anonymous said...


I too am a creature of habit. I will eat the same thing for a month (or sometimes more) if I like it enough. In school, I sit in the same seat and would totally feel weird about sitting somewhere else. Sounds like you and I have some things in common beyond having our beautiful daughter named Liliana in our lives. Thanks for playing! I totally loved learning more about your "weirdness" and the picture at the end, well, that was the topping on the cake! You rock!
