Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Oh Yeah People This Was My Day

I would like to preface this by saying the video took place after nap and is only a snippet of what my day was like. Toby is just a mess with both molars coming in and Lili...well Lili was just being Diva-rriffic. Go down to the bottom and mute the music cause you need the whole effect.

View this montage created at One True Media
Temper Tantrum times 2


Amy said...

OMG...that could be my house and my children! I am so sorry Toby is having such a rough time, but have to say that it is reassuring that other moms deal with the same kinds of crying and whining. I have had my fill of it lately since the kids have been so sick. Now I find my self saying to them..."you are not sick anymore...please stop whining!" LOL

Hope you have a better day today!

Anonymous said...

Yea this is my day many times too!!!!! This is why us moms need a week at the spa..LOL Lets go! are you in???? LOL


Kim & Dave said...

Oh....my word, that cracked me up!!!