Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Toby is at an age where what comes out of his mouth is either done on purpose or more than likely done by accident. Both are equally funny...ususally. Here are two examples:

1. At dinner each night we say the Prayer before Meals, he's getting better at it but it's not his reciting of the prayer that's funny, it's his version of the Sign of the Cross.... "In the name of the Father and the of Son and of the holy Kung Fu Panda Aye-Ya." Hysterical. I just let it go because if I do anything else he just keeps doing it.

2. I should preface this one by saying that Toby confuses My for Me (it's an important distinction especially in this case). The other night I sent him to get the last night time pullup I knew was there, but he kept coming back empty handed so i kept sending him back with suggestions as to where to check. After about the fourth time he turns the corner and says "Mommy you are driving my nuts!" I laughed my ass off and said yes I probably am driving you nuts. Too funny.


Kim & Dave said...

#2 made me lol!!!!

Too funny!