Christmas Morning was wonderful! The kids tore threw the 3 presents Santa brought, the one from Mommy and Daddy, and their stockings. Toby was good at slowing down so Lili could catch up and so we could follow along better. They loved all their stuff. Once Lili opened her car from Santa she was done. It took some convincing to get her to open the rest. After everyone opened all their gifts, Godfather came and said Mass. We did it last year and loved that we were able in the hustle and bustle of the presents to slow down and remember just why it is we're celebrating. Then after that David and me made eggs, bacon, pancakes, and fried potatoes for breakfast....SO GOOD! I've always loved Christmas Morning but now to see it through my kids eyes I love it even more. Enjoy the photos.....
I still have one more set of pics after this. :)
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Christmas Morning Excitement
Posted by
8:43 AM
Friday, December 25, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas!!!
This is my absolute FAVORITE Christmas song. The video contains the intro from the movie (sorry about that) but stick with it to get to the song. I love the message!
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10:12 AM
Sunday, December 20, 2009
We were lucky enough yesterday to get a part of the big East Coast storm. We didn't get too much, just enough right around 4-5 inches to play in. I was SO happy because even though we live right below the snow belt, we still get plenty of snow each winter and it's ususally cold enough to be able to play in it for days. When we move, we'll be in an area where school gets cancelled for an inch *sigh.* I will miss our snowy winters....that is not to say that we won't get snow, it just won't be as much or as often. So we took advantage of it.... Still loving the snow at this point
Posted by
9:15 AM
Friday, December 18, 2009
FFF: The Out-takes
Before we get to the pictures, we have news. I don't know how many of my blog buddies are also my Facebook buddies so this may or may not be news. Greg has taken a new job in the Northern Kentucky area.....SO after the New Year (and I mean right after) we are packing up the house and moving four hours across the State of Ohio and becoming Kentuckians. We are a mix of very excited (for the new job and new opportunities) and very sad (because we are leaving EVERYONE and everything we know). It is a difficult move since this is the farthest Greg has every been from friends and family and I only left to go to one year of college. The kids, so far, are handling it well and since I've made it into an adventure they are up for exploring. So there it is, we are the crazy people who are trying to do the holidays and the packing/moving thing all at the same time. BTW, if you live in Northern Kentucky or Cincinnati shout it out...we love getting to know new people. Okay now onto FFF the Out-Takes....
So these were not for a Christmas card, however, had they worked I would have sent it out..... Smushing the girl...she was NOT happy
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8:22 AM
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
We're baking cookies
The kids have been asking me to make cookies. So I got on (the site is one of my favs) and I found some fun and easy cookies. We got our supplies and set up the kitchen. We made Daddy some Coconut white chocolate bars. Then we made Gingerbread Reindeer (the easiest and cutest cookies ever) and Sugar Cookie Cut-Out Trees. We had lots of fun making messes and eating all the goodies while we baked. We still have a couple different types to bake but we need more supplies.
Hope you are all Simply Having A Wonderful Christmastime!
Posted by
9:07 AM
Monday, December 14, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Great Tree Hunt of 2009
Sunday we set out to Hozak's to find the perfect tree. I had promised this year I wouldn't be so picky but I did have a few requirements: It couldn't be bigger than Greg and it had to have enough branches to hang our ornaments. As soon as I got out of the car I saw several that I liked, but I wanted the kids to be able to look. Of course when it was time to pick I couldn't remember which trees I had liked in the first place. SO, More looking...Toby found a great little tree but Greg said it was too small. And the kids were tired of looking so Greg trekked to the further sides of our area and found a very nice tree perfect for us....good job honey! Ready, set, GO!
Posted by
7:38 AM
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
We put the FUN in dysFUNctioanl!
UPDATE:Hello FFF people! We do have holiday traditions, however, I haven't done a one of them yet. I'd show you last year's pictures but those are on the back up drive and I don't feel like messing with it. So you get this lovely is a tradition in a sense. We all love Christmas at my parents'......
So on Sunday NaNa asked the boys to bring down the Christmas tree. My brother announced he didn't need any help and promptly brought the massive (and bright) thing down from the attic. The kids were instantly in awe. Liliana kept saying "Wooooow, Merry MisMis" and "Bravo" which was as precious as it sounds. And Toby took to decorating it with toys and rolled up ads and so nicely encouraged his sister to do so too. It was adorable and hysterical all at once. As if their weren't enough hijinks going on, David decides to stick the Geotrax on top on the tree instead of the upper portion and then preceeds to turn it on. Oh yes we are that family! It was a riot and fun was had by all until a small strand of lights went out and then NaNa was none too pleased. Don't worry it all got fixed and the tree is shining as brightly as ever. Enjoy....
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12:27 PM