Sunday, September 6, 2009

Pitt Game

Yesterday was the Pitt season opener. We got season tickets along with some family and friends after two years of not having any. It's very nice to know where you're sitting every game and to get to know the people around you. We really liked our last "neighbors" but we moved sections. When Greg got the tickets he specifically asked for undercover and on an end due to the kiddos and the lady swore seveeral times that both requests were meant. However neither was...we are in the middle of a row (having to disturb people everytime they get too bored or need a potty break) and completely exposed to the elements. Now in the cooler months I'm sure we will be VERY thankful for the sun. But on an 80+ degree day in full sun with two kiddos that begin to wilt after so long, well it sucked! I didn't get to enjoy the game at all and neither did the kids. Oh well there is always next time. The awesome view from our new seats. Although I had a harder time following the game since I was always looking at their backs.

Two happy kiddos ready for the game to start

Hail to Pitt

Two HOT, sweaty, tired kiddos....we weren't even in the 2nd quarter yet

Trying to hide from the sun...when that didn't work Mommy took them down under for a walk and to play in the shade.
Oh and Pitt won the game! So did my other favs ND and OSU!


Anonymous said...

I know GOO BUCKS TOO!! i soo wish i could take abby to a OSU game they are alittle wild!!!

Love the pics of the kids!!

The Adoption Journey of Baby King said...

Hello, I met your family today here in my home town of Troy, MO. We were at the Green Buffet when a man came up and helped my son get ice cream. He said he had great grandkids from Guatemala. We chatted as we were leaving the restaurant and they showed me pictures of your kids and told me about your blog. It's such a small world. Your children are beautiful.