Friday, September 4, 2009

FFF: Friends

Most days these two hover between trying to take each other out and loving each other fiercely and I suppose that what being close-aged siblings is all about. Then there are the days like at the park, where they are the best of friends. They had a great time playing with the rocks even if I did have to put them in the bathtub asap upon arriving at my parent's house.

For more FFF go HERE


Becca said...

I loved growing up with my sis and bro - it looks like these two will be close forever. They are blessed to have one another - and they are beautiful!

Peace and Hugs,

Mama Bear said...

How wonderful to see such fun loving pictures. They are both just adorable. Happy weekend.

Gardenia said...

I too grew up with a sister close in age and looking back, it was so wonderful because I had a built-in friend for life. your daughters are having such fun.

One Busy Momma said...

Awww.... If ya cant get down and dirty with your brother or sister who can ya do it with??? *laughs*

Looks like they had a great time at the park!

Kim & Dave said...

Adorable! Isn't it furn when they finally start actually playing a tiny bit together-instead of just yelling at eachother!!?!?

Kelly said...

Could they be any cuter??????? I love that they are playing with each other a little!

Robyn said...

How cute!!

Anonymous said...

my two oldest were the same way and now they are teens and have moments still where they are close...shhhh dont tell them i told you! lol

Hannah said...

Those are some of the cutest pictures! I love how sweet are together. Best Buddies forever :)