While in MO, I had limited internet accessibility to be able to post. Therefore, I am going to do a couple of posts to show what happened on the other days we were there. I will start where I left off, Wednesday. On Wednesday we went to my Aunt Tracie's house to visit with her and her friend Kelly. Kelly has also adopted from Guatemala and her daughter Skyler is about 6 weeks older than Toby. Skyler has been home for about15 months and is all girl. Toby and her didn't click at first, but they warmed up to each other, some what. We really, really enjoyed are time there and when we were done we took my aunt out to celebrate her birthday which is next week. So here's how the day played out in pictures......
Mommy, who is that boy playing with my toys?
Maybe I can win her over with my fascinating piano playing.
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