Friday, February 1, 2008

TAG, You're it!

I have been Tagged by one of my Fave bloggers Kelly

The rules are to link the person who sent this and leave a comment on their blog so their readers can visit yours~Post the rules on your blog~Share 7 strange/weird facts about yourself~Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and link their blog~Let each person know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog

Okay so hear it goes:

1. The covers on the bed must be absolutely perfect, to me, before I can fall asleep. I have ALWAYS been like this. I used to line up my stuffed animals a certain way every night. It's a control thing for me. I admit it!

2. Along the same lines... I can not sleep on the first floor of a house or with the windows open. Paranoid I know. :)

3. I like to eat Doritos with Salt and Vinger Potato chips. In fact I LOVE vinegar.

4. I hate Elevators with a passion. If they have what I consider too many people I wait for the next one.

5. I must get ready in the morning in certain order. If I don't it messes everything up. Hey, it's been perfected over time.

6. All the shirts in my closet are in order by color. It makes matching so much easier. I swear I'm not OCD, just a major control freak!

7. Okay and by far the weirdest thing about me... I have no belly button. That's a story for another day.

Okay now I'm suppose to link to people so you can visit them too. So here's who I'm tagging:


Kelly said...

And you think I am crazy, Ha!! You carck me up. I love Vinegar tater chips but hve never had them with Doritos, I will have to try that.